How To Choose A WeChat Archiving Solution
You should be able to create a WeChat archive chat if you have allowed your employees to use WeChat for communication purposes. Of course you will need to look for the right data archiving solution to use in your business since they are not all the same. When choosing an app that supports WeChat compliance monitoring , there are various things you should pay attention to. One of them is control. The level of control and visibility into your business’ conversations is the most valuable defense that you can give yourself against potential disaster. The only way to shape the narrative about your brand is if you know the messages that are being transmitted from the inside out. Even though it is easier to blame external entities for bad press or industry rumors, it could be possible that leaks are coming from within your organization. You should arm yourself with the right tools to defend yourself and swiftly respond if need be. A comprehensive digital paper trail is very vital for e...